航空插頭 3 4 8 12 31 32 48 插針公+母圓形航空連接器採用專業優質黑色橡膠烘烤使其絕緣和阻燃。,防震鎖定設計,12毫米螺紋接頭。,純銅鍍金接點,堅固且耐腐蝕,耐用的,同時確保數據和訊號的穩定性和可靠性.
線束檢測設備主要用於檢測各類線束的連接情況及電氣性能, 規格及配置. 這些設備通常用於汽車, 電子產品, 航空航太等領域. 它可用於檢測開路, 短路, 接觸不良, 線束內的電阻等問題,確保線束電氣性能穩定可靠.
連接線是承載數據、供電的重要載體. 線束的品質和防水性能直接影響產品的功能和使用壽命.
隨著現代社會的快速發展和科學技術的不斷進步, 人們越來越關注各種電子產品的安全. 電子產品的品質和功能要求也越來越高. 連接線作為設備與設備之間數據、電力交換的載體的重要性, 設備和機器, 和機器是不言而喻的.
Buy Wire to wire connector List Online
Wire to wire connectors include wire to cable or cable to cable connections. Its defining characteristic is the permanent connection of two single-wire entities or corresponding conductors in two cables to each other. Such permanent connections are more common in fixed connections in wire-to-wire connections and in IDC connections.
銅管環形端子連接器是指電器、電氣設備中常用的銅管端子. 它們都具有良好的電熱性能並且還耐腐蝕. 是連接銅管和電器產品不可或缺的關鍵連接件零件. 是將高壓電流合理引至設備的有效電纜連接端子, 它也可以用來連接, 安裝, 夫妻, 隔離及其他電器及設備連接器.
Crimp – Rectangular Type Wire to Board Connector
The utility model relates to a Crimp Type wire to board connector, which comprises a board end connector and a wire end connector. Both sides of the bottom of the board connector are provided with a number of evenly arranged contact terminals. The right end surface of the board end connector is provided with an insertion port, and the top surface of the board end connector is provided with two card holes.
電氣連接器 - 電線端子 導管工具
In addition to meeting the general requirements for electrical connection performance, the electrical connector must achieve good contact, reliable operation, and easy maintenance. Whether its work is reliable or not directly affects the normal operation of the circuit and involves the safety of the entire electrical appliance.
High-Speed, Fine Pitch Board-to-Board FPC Connector
The Fine Pitch board to board connector is the High-Speed connector product with the strongest transmission capacity among all connector product types. Mainly used in power systems, communication networks, financial manufacturing, elevators, 工業自動化, 醫用器材, office equipment, 家電, military manufacturing and other industries.
Industrial Mini Low Profile I /O Connectors, Cables
YAXUN Electronics provides customers with innovative input/output (輸入/輸出) connectors designed for optimum performance, density, signal integrity and repeatability. Our broad offering includes consumer, industrial and high-speed options such as Active Cable (AEC) and QSFP-DD assemblies designed to help speed communications and increase productivity.
此客製化線束是醫療救援設備的內部連接線. 連接器和線材均為客製化開發的非標產品, 可取代國外同類產品,大幅降低顧客採購成本. 所有材料均符合ROSH要求,嚴格依照IPC620標準加工. 產品性能優良,經久耐用;
Overmolded Aviation Plug Cable Assemblies for Aerospace & Electrical
Overmolded aviation plug cable is the general name of electrical connector Kit, also known as aviation connector Kit, electrical circular connector cable. Overmolded Cable Assemblies are the most rugged class of interconnect wire-harnessing available. Overmolding is the preferred solution for environmental protection of military, aerospace, and harsh-environment industrial interconnect cable assemblies.