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2 / 3 線材 PT100 溫度感知器探頭

RS Pro RTD 2/3/4 電線 pt100 歐姆溫度感知器線束, 電阻溫度檢測器. 2 npt鉑電阻溫度計不銹鋼探頭, 反應快, 耐高溫, 防水特性.

Digital DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Cable Assembly

custom made waterproof multiple display esp32 lcd breadboard, arduino mega nano ds18b20 sensor Cable Assembly datasheet.
DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor with a wide range of applications. It outputs digital signals and has the characteristics of small size, low hardware resource consumption, strong anti-interference ability and high precision.

Waterproof 1/3-Wire DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor

DS18B20 is a commonly used digital temperature sensor probe (arduino, raspberry pi, multiple esp8266 DS18B20). Its output is a digital signal, which has the characteristics of small size, low hardware overhead, strong anti-interference ability and high precision.