一般汽車使用的連接器種類有近百種, 單一型號中使用了數百個連接器. 隨著人們對汽車在安全方面的要求越來越高, 環境保護, 舒適, 和智力, 汽車電子產品的應用日益增多. 這將導致汽車連接器應用數量的增加.
China Custom Waterproof Cable Security Outdoor Extension Cords
Suitable for outdoor waterproof stage light, for power connection between light and light, extending the power cable distance between light and light 5/10/20/50/100 米 (16.4 feet) in length, Male and female waterproof design plugs at both ends, used directly after purchase, If you want to be longer, you can buy more cable use in series.
銅管環形端子連接器是指電器、電氣設備中常用的銅管端子. 它們都具有良好的電熱性能並且還耐腐蝕. 是連接銅管和電器產品不可或缺的關鍵連接件零件. 是將高壓電流合理引至設備的有效電纜連接端子, 它也可以用來連接, 安裝, 夫妻, 隔離及其他電器及設備連接器.
客製化不同安全認證的電源線, 世界不同國家的電力電纜供應商.
電源線是傳輸電力的電線. 通常電流傳輸的方式是點對點傳輸. 電源線依用途可分為交流電源線和直流電源線. 一般來說, 交流電源線是通過高壓交流電的電線. 由於電壓高, 這種電線只有在統一標準下獲得安全認證後才能正式生產.
LEMO Ventilator Power Extend Connection Harness
Medical power wiring harnesses are widely used in medical equipment, such as operating tables, X-ray machines, MRI, ultrasound machines, electrocardiographs, ETC.
現在, phototherapy equipment is widely used in the medical field. As an important part of phototherapy equipment, medical power cord harness delivers light energy into the patient’s body to help the patient treat the disease.
Medical Anesthesia Machine Electrical Wiring Harness Assembly
This customized Electrical wiring harness is an internal connection line for medical rescue equipment. 連接器和線材均為客製化開發的非標產品, 可取代國外同類產品,大幅降低顧客採購成本. 所有材料均符合ROSH要求,嚴格依照IPC620標準加工. 產品性能優良,經久耐用;
Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 16/3 SJTW 50 Ft Christmas Light Cord
China Custom Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 50 Ft Christmas Light Extension Cord Evenly Spaced 6 ~20 Outlets Plugs with Safety Cover, 16/3 SJTW Green Extension Cord Outdoor Waterproof. 25 FT Extension Cord Waterproof, 6 Grounded Outlets for Christmas Yard Decorations, 14 任意波形產生器, 15A/1875W, ETL Listed
即插即用連接電纜用於汽車 / 外部數據. 網路價格
即插即用 (即插即用) 原本是電腦硬體的術語. 指汽車或電腦添加新的外部設備時自動檢測硬體資源的能力,無需重新配置或手動安裝驅動程式. 之後, 它也意味著熱插拔電纜, 是指在電腦開機時直接新增或移除硬體設備, 例如插入和拔出 USB.