According to the function can be divided into: Headphone plugs, 直流插頭, 音訊插頭, USB插頭, video plugs, microphone plugs, charger plugs, mobile phone plugs, ETC.

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24-3 針航空插頭插座圓形連接器

圓形航空插頭連接器是我們電子工程技術人員經常接觸到的一種連接件. 它的功能非常簡單: 在電路/訊號中阻塞或孤立的電路之間建立溝通的橋樑. 使電流/訊號的流動使電路實現預定的功能.


電子電氣插頭: 分為插頭, 插座和連接器. 插頭插座一般分為二極插頭和二極接地插頭.
電流通過, 所以我想告訴大家,只要不使用任何電器, 必須拔掉插頭以節省電力.


英國AC電源插頭也叫BS (英國標準) 插頭轉接器, 指以英國標準為參考標準的電源插頭. 英式插頭可分為組裝式和注塑式. 組裝好的英式插頭可拆卸,可自由訂製, 而注塑插頭一般是一體成型的,無法拆卸. 市場上常見的英國標準有BS1363, BS546, BS5733, ETC。,

China Custom Waterproof Cable Security Outdoor Extension Cords

Suitable for outdoor waterproof stage light, for power connection between light and light, extending the power cable distance between light and light 5/10/20/50/100 米 (16.4 feet) in length, Male and female waterproof design plugs at both ends, used directly after purchase, If you want to be longer, you can buy more cable use in series.


Socket is also known as power socket and switched socket (British standard, national standard, American standard, European standard, South African standard, Italian standardvarious socket specifications). Receptacle refers to the socket end that has one or more circuit plug connections that can be inserted . The power socket is convenient for connecting with other electrical circuits.


電源插頭 Cord Cable 是指電器等設備連接電源的裝置. 電源插座和插頭形狀各異, 班級, 尺寸和類型取決於國家和地區. 每個國家都有政府制定的標準. 電源插頭也叫電源線插頭, 英文是電源插頭. 應用於各領域, 在各國.

客製化Mini USB介面與線纜

什麼是USB接口? 精密USB介面的功能與製作.
通用序列匯流排 (英語: 通用序列匯流排, 縮寫: USB) 是序列匯流排標準和輸入輸出介面的技術規範. 廣泛應用於個人電腦、行動裝置等資訊通訊產品, 並已延伸至攝影器材等其他相關領域, 數位電視 (機上盒), 和遊戲機.


客製化不同安全認證的電源線, 世界不同國家的電力電纜供應商.
電源線是傳輸電力的電線. 通常電流傳輸的方式是點對點傳輸. 電源線依用途可分為交流電源線和直流電源線. 一般來說, 交流電源線是通過高壓交流電的電線. 由於電壓高, 這種電線只有在統一標準下獲得安全認證後才能正式生產.


航空插頭是連接器的一種, 起源於軍事工業, 所以它被命名為, 簡稱航空插頭. 航空插頭是連接電線的機電元件. 所以, 選擇航空插頭首先考慮其自身的電氣參數. 航空插頭的正確選擇和使用是確保電路可靠性的重要方面.

Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 16/3 SJTW 50 Ft Christmas Light Cord

China Custom Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 50 Ft Christmas Light Extension Cord Evenly Spaced 6 ~20 Outlets Plugs with Safety Cover, 16/3 SJTW Green Extension Cord Outdoor Waterproof. 25 FT Extension Cord Waterproof, 6 Grounded Outlets for Christmas Yard Decorations, 14 任意波形產生器, 15A/1875W, ETL Listed

Internationally, household appliances are divided into three categories: Class 1: Electrical appliances are electrical appliances with only one layer of insulation. Such electrical appliances must be equipped with leakage protectors and grounding protection (那是, three-pin plugs are required). Such as air conditioners, machine tools, motors, ETC. 類型 2: Electrical appliances have double-layer insulation measures, and leakage protectors are required, and grounding protection is not required (那是, two-pin plugs can be used). Such as TV, electric fan, table lamp, induction cooker, electric ceramic stove, ETC. Class 3: Electrical appliances are electrical appliances that use a safe voltage. 一般來說 12 - 36V electrical appliances, such as mobile phones, laptops, ETC.