EV ledningsnät
3-Pos RC Servo Motor Connection Wiring Harness
Application classification types of servo motor wiring harness
The current industrial equipment market has a very high demand for servo motor wiring harnesses, because servo motor wiring harnesses are used to connect various components in the servo system and provide power control. The following is a connection line engineer’s explanation of the application classification types of servo motor wiring harnesses.
automating Robot-Assisted Wiring Harness set
The process flow for manufacturing robot wire harnesses typically includes the following steps:
Design and planning: Design the layout, connection methods and electrical characteristics of the wiring harness according to the needs and functional requirements of the robot. Consider factors such as wire cross-sectional area, length, color coding and number of conductors.
Material preparation: Select high-quality wires, kontakter, protective sleeves and other accessories suitable for robotic applications. Ensure materials comply with relevant industry standards and specifications.
Anslutningskablar för fordon och elektrisk användning
There are nearly a hundred types of connectors used in general cars, and there are hundreds of connectors used in a single model. As people have higher and higher requirements for automobiles in terms of safety, environmental protection, comfort, and intelligence, the application of automotive electronic products is increasing. This will lead to an increase in the number of automotive connector applications.
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness for Battery Packs
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness Conductors can be divided into single-core conductors and multi-core conductors according to process characteristics. The difference is that multi-core wires are made up of multiple single-core wires. In essence, the electrical performance parameters and structural size parameters of each single-core wire are no different from those of single-core conductors. If the multi-core cable is used for signal transmission, separate shielding measures need to be taken to ensure that the signal is not lost.
Nya energikontakter och anslutningskablar
Med den snabba utvecklingen av den nya energifordonsmarknaden och den kontinuerliga förbättringen av fordonsintelligens, allt fler komponenter för fordonselektrifiering används i nya energifordon. Som det "neurala nätverket" av ny energi och intelligenta system, användningen av fordons ledningsnät och kopplingar har ökat avsevärt. dock, på grund av begränsningen av utrymmet i bilen och kravet på fordonets låga vikt, miniatyriseringskravet läggs fram för den traditionella bilkontakten.
Plug And Play Connect Cable Uses Car / External Data. online Price
Plug and Play (PnP) was originally a term for computer hardware. It refers to the ability to automatically detect hardware resources when a new external device is added to a car or computer without the need to reconfigure or manually install drivers. Later, it also came to mean hot-plugging cables, which means directly adding or removing hardware devices when the computer is powered on, such as plugging and unplugging a USB.