Chicote elétrico de veículos elétricos
3-Pos RC Servo Motor Connection Wiring Harness
Application classification types of servo motor wiring harness
The current industrial equipment market has a very high demand for servo motor wiring harnesses, because servo motor wiring harnesses are used to connect various components in the servo system and provide power control. The following is a connection line engineer’s explanation of the application classification types of servo motor wiring harnesses.
automating Robot-Assisted Wiring Harness set
The process flow for manufacturing robot wire harnesses typically includes the following steps:
Design and planning: Design the layout, connection methods and electrical characteristics of the wiring harness according to the needs and functional requirements of the robot. Consider factors such as wire cross-sectional area, length, color coding and number of conductors.
Material preparation: Select high-quality wires, conectores, protective sleeves and other accessories suitable for robotic applications. Ensure materials comply with relevant industry standards and specifications.
Conectores automotivos e cabos de conexão para uso elétrico
Existem quase cem tipos de conectores usados em carros em geral, e existem centenas de conectores usados em um único modelo. Como as pessoas têm requisitos cada vez mais elevados para automóveis em termos de segurança, Proteção Ambiental, conforto, e inteligência, a aplicação de produtos eletrônicos automotivos está aumentando. Isso levará a um aumento no número de aplicações de conectores automotivos.
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness for Battery Packs
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness Conductors can be divided into single-core conductors and multi-core conductors according to process characteristics. The difference is that multi-core wires are made up of multiple single-core wires. In essence, the electrical performance parameters and structural size parameters of each single-core wire are no different from those of single-core conductors. If the multi-core cable is used for signal transmission, separate shielding measures need to be taken to ensure that the signal is not lost.
Novos conectores de energia e cabos de conexão
Com o rápido desenvolvimento do novo mercado de veículos energéticos e a melhoria contínua da inteligência veicular, cada vez mais componentes de eletrificação automotiva são usados em veículos de novas energias. Como a “rede neural” de novas energias e sistemas inteligentes, o uso de chicotes elétricos e conectores de veículos aumentou significativamente. No entanto, devido à limitação do espaço no carro e à exigência de leveza do veículo, o requisito de miniaturização é apresentado para o conector de carro tradicional.
Plug And Play Connect Cable Uses Car / External Data. online Price
Plug and Play (PnP) was originally a term for computer hardware. It refers to the ability to automatically detect hardware resources when a new external device is added to a car or computer without the need to reconfigure or manually install drivers. Later, it also came to mean hot-plugging cables, which means directly adding or removing hardware devices when the computer is powered on, such as plugging and unplugging a USB.