Termistors – (NTC, PTC, PT100, PT1000) Thermistors are made of semiconductor materials, and most of them have negative temperature coefficients, that is, the resistance decreases as the temperature increases. Temperature changes cause large resistance changes, so it is the most sensitive temperature sensor.

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2 / 3 vads PT100 temperatūras sensora zonde

RS pro rtd 2/3/4 vads pt100 omi Temperatūras sensors Vadu instalācija, pretestības temperatūras detektors. 2 npt platīna pretestības termometra nerūsējošā tērauda zonde, Ātra atbilde, augsta temperatūras izturība, ūdensnecaurlaidīgas īpašības.

Digitālā DS18B20 temperatūras sensora kabeļa komplekts

pēc pasūtījuma izgatavots ūdensizturīgs vairāku displeju esp32 LCD maizes panelis, arduino mega nano ds18b20 sensora kabeļa montāžas datu lapa.
DS18B20 ir digitāls temperatūras sensors ar plašu pielietojumu klāstu. Tas izvada digitālos signālus, un tam ir maza izmēra īpašības, zems aparatūras resursu patēriņš, spēcīga prettraucējumu spēja un augsta precizitāte.

Kā izvēlēties augstas precizitātes ntc temperatūras sensoru?

NTC ir negatīvs NTC ir negatīvā temperatūras koeficienta saīsinājums. YAXUN ir vadošais augstas precizitātes diskrēto NTC termistoru projektētājs un ražotājs, zondes un savienotāji, un vadu instalācijas piederumi. NTC termistori ir temperatūras sensori, kas temperatūras mērīšanai izmanto keramikas/metāla kompozītmateriālu pretestības īpašības. Mūsu pilna NTC sensoru līnija piedāvā daudzas temperatūras noteikšanas priekšrocības, ieskaitot mazo izmēru, lieliska ilgtermiņa stabilitāte, un augsta precizitāte un precizitāte.

NTC termistora sensora zondes komplekts

NTC termistora sensoru sistēma izmanto NTC sensora elementus 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 100K, 1000K; B vērtības 3375k, 3470K, 3950K, 3700k, 3935k, 3380k, 3450k, 3550k, 3600k, 3977k, 3950k. Korpusi un integrētie savienotāji ar mehāniskās aizsardzības īpašībām dažādām iepakošanas tehnoloģijām. Mūsu NTC zondes ir piemērotas virsmas temperatūrai, gaiss-gāze, HVAC/saldēšanas sistēma, šķidruma un pacientu uzraudzības lietojumprogrammas, un tās ir pieejamas dažādos korpusos un stilos gan standarta, gan pielāgotā dizainā.

Temperature Sensor for Electrical Appliances

Temperature sensors are sensing devices that detect and measure the heat and coldness used in electrical appliances and convert them into electrical signals. There are many types of temperature sensors, which are mainly divided into four categories: thermocouple sensors, thermistor sensors, resistance temperature detectors and IC temperature sensors. Among them, IC temperature sensors include analog output and digital output.

Thermistor Sensor Wire Harness & Cable Assembly

Thermistor sensors are heat-sensitive semiconductor resistors designed for temperature measurement and compensation. Its portfolio covers the NTC thermistor series with excellent long-term stability in high-temperature and high-humidity environments, such as ultra-small products for smartphones and tablet terminals, automotive applications, LED modules, and industrial applications. High-precision resistor tolerances and B-values give chip NTC thermistors extremely precise temperature sensing capabilities.

Ūdensizturīgs 1/3 vadu DS18B20 digitālais temperatūras sensors

DS18B20 ir plaši izmantota digitālā temperatūras sensora zonde (arduino, aveņu pi, vairāki esp8266 DS18B20). Tā izeja ir digitālais signāls, kam ir maza izmēra īpašības, zemas aparatūras izmaksas, spēcīga prettraucējumu spēja un augsta precizitāte.

However, the linearity of the thermistor is extremely poor and has a lot to do with the production process. The manufacturer cannot give a standardized thermistor curve. Thermistors are very small and respond quickly to temperature changes. But the thermistor requires a current source, and its small size also makes it extremely sensitive to self-heating errors. The thermistor measures absolute temperature on two lines and has better accuracy, but it is more expensive than a thermocouple and its measurable temperature range is smaller than a thermocouple. A commonly used thermistor has a resistance of 5kΩ at 25°C, and every 1°C temperature change causes a resistance change of 200Ω. Note that the 10Ω lead resistance only causes a negligible 0.05°C error. It is ideally suited for current control applications requiring fast and sensitive temperature measurements. The small size is advantageous for applications with space requirements, but care must be taken to prevent self-heating errors. Thermistors also have their own measurement techniques. The advantage of the thermistor is that it is small and can stabilize quickly without causing thermal load. However, it is also very fragile, and large currents can cause self-heating. Since the thermistor is a resistive device, any current source will cause heat to be generated by power across it. Power is equal to the square of the current times the resistance. Therefore use a small current source. If the thermistor is exposed to high heat, permanent damage will occur. Through the introduction of two temperature probes, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s work and study.