Autojen liittimet
Aviation Plug
Pyöreä pistokeliitin
Mukautettu lääketieteellinen kaapeli
Elektroninen kytkin
EV johtosarja
Teolliset liittimet
Lääketieteellinen johtosarja
NTC lämpötila-anturi
Valetut kaapelikokoonpanot
Muoviset injektiotuotteet
Virtajohto Kaapeli
Virtapistokkeen sovitin
Virtapistokkeen kaapeli
PT100 lämpötila-anturi
Johdon liitin
Industrial Mini Low Profile I /O Connectors, Cables
YAXUN Electronics provides customers with innovative input/output (I/O) connectors designed for optimum performance, density, signal integrity and repeatability. Our broad offering includes consumer, industrial and high-speed options such as Active Cable (AEC) and QSFP-DD assemblies designed to help speed communications and increase productivity.
Category: Liittimet ja kaapelit
Tunnisteet: Liitin, Johdon liitin, Johdinliittimet
I/O is the abbreviation of input/output, tuo on, input and output ports. Each device will have a dedicated I/O address to handle its own input and output information.
I/O connection refers to any operation, program or data transfer process that occurs between a device and a computer.
The input/output system refers to the system that controls the data connection of the computer, including programs and hardware.
As data centers and the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT) become more complex. System architects need rapidly reconfigurable, fast and flexible connectivity solutions to meet changing demands in IT infrastructure, 5G, edge applications and multi-cloud computing. YAXUN Electronics provides customers with innovative input/output (I/O) connectors designed for optimum performance, density, signal integrity and repeatability. Our broad offering includes consumer, industrial and high-speed options such as Active Cable (AEC) and QSFP-DD assemblies designed to help speed communications and increase productivity.
I/O Interface Basic Functions
· Select port address decoding device
· Provide status information of I/O devices to CPU and perform command decoding
· Carry out timing and corresponding sequence control.
• Buffering of transmitted data to eliminate differences in “timing” or data processing speed between the computer and the peripheral.
·Provide the compatible transformation of the related information format between the computer and the peripheral equipment.
Provides electrical adaptation
It can also realize the exchange of information between CPU and peripherals in interrupt mode
system connector
The I/O interface system is used to support the transmission of high-speed serial differential signals. Samaan aikaan, it combines high density, high mechanical robustness, and ease of assembly with excellent shielding and signal integrity. The connectors are mounted around a die system that employs a differential pair structure, with each pair spaced from an adjacent pair and adjacent die. The connector is 4 dual lanes operating at speeds greater than 2.5 Gb/s. Similar to other links, but can also be used for higher data rates. The connector features a small footprint and can be used in dense systems with board-to-board spacing as low as 15mm. It can be installed side by side with a pitch of 12.5mm, and multiple ports are distributed along the card edge. Additionally, the long engagement length and short cable exit design of the connector itself allow for more compact cable routing setups. I/O connectors can also be configured to handle low-speed signals and power, and are also available for selective loading, thus enabling systems in applications that do not require high-speed signal transmission to enjoy the density and robustness offered by the connector.
I/O Connector Features
8 pairs of connectors can be mounted side by side at a 12.5mm pitch, enabling multiple I/O ports to be distributed along the card edge.
4 dual lanes operating at speeds greater than 2.5 Gb/s.
Robust strain relief with short cable exit reduces the distance between the enclosure panel and the cabinet door or cabinet wall.
The low vertical profile can be used in systems with a card slot pitch of 15mm.
Low crosstalk and controlled 100 ohm impedance between differential pairs can be matched with 100 ohm shielded pair cables.
The crimp sleeve system reliably connects the cable EMC shield and the connector cover.
An I/O (input / output) connector is an electrical connector that enables high-speed data transmission through secure electrical contact between the frequently plugged/unplugged connector cable and its application. These connectors are commonly used in products that require data transmission or Internet connectivity, such as computers, routers, palvelimia, switches. It also allows input/output of audio/video signal data in applications such as car navigation systems and car audio equipment. | A connector developed exclusively for automotive equipment that can also be used as an external I/O connector for other equipment. | The HDR series features a compact design with I/O connectors. |
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Koottu signaali- ja virtaliitäntäkaapeli
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Plug and Play (PnP) oli alun perin termi tietokonelaitteistolle. Se viittaa kykyyn havaita automaattisesti laitteistoresurssit, kun autoon tai tietokoneeseen lisätään uusi ulkoinen laite ilman tarvetta määrittää uudelleen tai asentaa ohjaimia manuaalisesti.. Myöhemmin, se tarkoitti myös kuumaliittimiä, mikä tarkoittaa laitteiston lisäämistä tai poistamista suoraan, kun tietokone on päällä, kuten USB:n kytkeminen ja irrottaminen.
Quick Lever Connect sähköliitossarja ja kompaktit riviliittimet
Mikä on pikavipuinen inline-liitin?
A "Quick Lever Inline -liitin" asennus viittaa tyypillisesti Lever Wire -sarjan liittimen käyttöön, joka on eräänlainen vipukäyttöinen jatkosliitin, joka mahdollistaa nopeat ja helpot johtoliitännät yksinkertaisesti nostamalla vipua, langan työntäminen, ja paina sitten vipua takaisin alas sen kiinnittämiseksi; olennaisesti, työkaluton, nopeasti, ja luotettava inline-liitäntätapa.
Wire-to-Wire-liittimien valinta ja toiminta Kiinassa
Useita lanka-johto-liitintyyppejä, onko kyseessä 2-nastainen tai 4-nastainen johdin-johto-liitin, YAXUN toimittaa ne korkealaatuisina ja ROHS-standardien ja muiden turvallisuusmääräysten mukaisesti. YAXUNin johdot-johdot -liittimet valmistetaan Kiinassa ja ne tarjoavat myös edullisimmat hinnat. Olipa kyseessä JST, Molex, Etsimäsi vahvistin tai Dupont johdin-johto-liitin, voimme tarjota!