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Buy Wire to wire connector List Online
Wire to wire connectors include wire to cable or cable to cable connections. Its defining characteristic is the permanent connection of two single-wire entities or corresponding conductors in two cables to each other. Such permanent connections are more common in fixed connections in wire-to-wire connections and in IDC connections.
Category: Liittimet ja kaapelit
Tunnisteet: Liitin, Johdon liitin, Johdinliittimet
Wire to wire connectors include wire to cable or cable to cable connections. Its defining characteristic is the permanent connection of two single-wire entities or corresponding conductors in two cables to each other. Such permanent connections are more common in fixed connections in wire-to-wire connections and in IDC connections.
There are three basic types of wire-to-wire connectors, namely wire-to-wire, wire-to-board and board-to-board. The three types of connections are not distinct. There are two reasons for this type overlap. First of all, the design scheme of the same connector only needs to be redefined after a slight change in the connection method, tuo on, it becomes a new design scheme applicable to another type of connection method. Second, a cable can be assembled with a wire-to-wire connector on one end and a wire-to-board connector on the other end. Esimerkiksi: the shape of I/O connector Class 5 products is the most common example. Regardless of avoiding the category ambiguity of this connection form, these connection forms just provide an effective basis for connector classification.
Crimp connections are commonly found in discontinuous wire connectors. IDC is often used to control cable connectors because of its superiority in wire-related and wire harness end processing. Wire-to-wire connectors come in a variety of geometries of plastic supports such as right-angle and round poly-shaped plastic pieces. There are also many plastic parts and metal shielding shells with combined shapes of different shapes, which are mainly used in military applications.
Features of wire-to-wire connectors
Wire to Wire Connector supply information, you can also show sale Wire to Wire for free here. After T6 heat treatment, the appearance is treated with stainless steel shot
blasting, which has the characteristics of good air tightness and beautiful appearance, and is easy to operate and install. It is convenient to achieve the effect of never leaking odor, eliminating the cumbersome installation, maintenance and connection of the old-fashioned above-ground and underground traps. The wire-to-wire connector family includes rectangular, circular, subminiature-D and ribbon connectors. Coaxial connectors also belong to this family, but their design features for high-frequency use will be discussed separately later.
Application of Wire-to-Wire Connectors
Wire-to-wire connectors are used in a wide range of fields such as automobiles, viestintää, consumer electronics, data processing, and industrial machinery. YAXUN wire-to-wire connectors are used in auxiliary circuits, and AMP connectors are in the leading position in technology. The AMP Economy Power(EP) wire-to-board connection system is designed for auxiliary circuit applications.
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Koottu signaali- ja virtaliitäntäkaapeli
Yhteysjohto on tärkeä tiedonsiirto- ja virtalähde. Johdinsarjan laatu ja vedenpitävyys vaikuttavat suoraan tuotteen toimintaan ja käyttöikään.
Modernin yhteiskunnan nopean kehityksen ja tieteen ja teknologian jatkuvan kehityksen myötä, ihmiset kiinnittävät yhä enemmän huomiota erilaisten elektroniikkatuotteiden turvallisuuteen. Myös elektronisten tuotteiden laatu- ja toimintavaatimukset kohoavat koko ajan. Yhteyslinjan merkitys tiedon- ja sähkönvaihdon kantajana laitteiden ja laitteiden välillä, laitteet ja koneet, ja koneet on itsestäänselvyys.
Mukautettu 4k type-c 3.1C uros-naaras jatkokaapeli
Mukautettu 0,5 m/1 m/10 m/78 . 74tuuman Type-c jatkokaapeli, uros-naaras 16 Core Gen2 20Gbps äänen ja videon siirtodatakaapeli 3.1C uros-C naaras 20V 5A 100W latausjohto lahja syntymäpäiväksi/pääsiäiseksi/pojaksi/tyttöystäväksi/kannettavalle tietokoneelle, TYYPPI 3.1 datakaapelin laajennusportti HDMI, VGA, DVI.
Plug and Play Connect -kaapeli käyttää autoa / Ulkoiset tiedot. verkkohinta
Plug and Play (PnP) oli alun perin termi tietokonelaitteistolle. Se viittaa kykyyn havaita automaattisesti laitteistoresurssit, kun autoon tai tietokoneeseen lisätään uusi ulkoinen laite ilman tarvetta määrittää uudelleen tai asentaa ohjaimia manuaalisesti.. Myöhemmin, se tarkoitti myös kuumaliittimiä, mikä tarkoittaa laitteiston lisäämistä tai poistamista suoraan, kun tietokone on päällä, kuten USB:n kytkeminen ja irrottaminen.
Valikoima JST-liittimiä ja elektronisia johtosarjasovelluksia
As an important electronic component connector, JST connector has a wide range of applications in the electronics field. In order to ensure the stability and reliability of the connector, it is necessary to master its correct usage and precautions. By selecting the appropriate connector model, ensuring interface matching, keeping the interface clean and dry, correctly plugging and unplugging the connector, and regularly inspecting and maintaining it, the normal use of the JST connector can be ensured and its service life can be extended.
USB 3.0 Cable Male to Male USB Cord/Double USB A to USB A Extension Cord
Designed for applications where ordinary USB 3.0 cables fail, this exclusive ultra flexible cable family is rated for 10,000 flex cycles minimum. Standard USB cable fails at approximately 1,000 bend cycles. The special bulk cable uses a polyurethane jacket plus high strand count data (32 AWG) and power (26 AWG) conductors to achieve the extra durability. Available with type A-C in lengths ranging from 0.3 to 10 metriä.