Showing 1–12 of 23 results

3~48 Pin Aviation Wiring Socket Veekindel juhtmestiku pistik

Lennunduspistik 3 4 8 12 31 32 48 Pin Isane+Emane ümmargune lennundusühendus kasutab professionaalset kvaliteetset musta kummist bakeute'i, muudab selle isolatsiooni- ja leegiaeglustavaks. Keerme lukustusmehhanism,vibratsioonivastane lukustuskonstruktsioon,12mm keermeliide.Veekindel led-pistiku kasutamine Täisvasest nikeldatud metallist kruvihülss,puhtast vasest kullatud kontaktid,vastupidav ja korrosioonikindel,vastupidavad,tagades samal ajal andmete ja signaalide stabiilsuse ja usaldusväärsuse.

32A Waterproof Aviation Plug Wiring for Industrial

Wire harness testing equipment is mainly used to detect the connection and electrical performance of wire harnesses of various types, specifications and configurations. These devices are commonly used in automotive, electronics, aerospace and other fields. It can be used to detect open circuits, short circuits, poor contacts, resistance and other problems in the wiring harness to ensure that the electrical performance of the wiring harness is stable and reliable.

Assembled Signal and Power Connection Cable

The connection line is an important carrier for carrying data and power supply. The quality and waterproof performance of the wiring harness directly affect the function and service life of the product.
With the rapid development of modern society and the continuous progress of science and technology, people pay more and more attention to the safety of various electronic products. The quality and function requirements of electronic products are also getting higher and higher. The importance of the connection line as a carrier for data and power exchange between equipment and equipment, equipment and machines, and machines is self-evident.

Buy Wire to wire connector List Online

Wire to wire connectors include wire to cable or cable to cable connections. Its defining characteristic is the permanent connection of two single-wire entities or corresponding conductors in two cables to each other. Such permanent connections are more common in fixed connections in wire-to-wire connections and in IDC connections.

Vasktoru kõrvade ja rõngasklemmide pistikud

Vasktoru rõngasklemmide pistikud viitavad vasktorude klemmidele, mida tavaliselt kasutatakse elektriseadmetes ja elektriseadmetes. Neil kõigil on head elektrotermilised omadused ja nad on ka korrosioonikindlad. See on asendamatu võtmepistiku komponent vasktorude ja elektriseadmete ühendamiseks. See on tõhus kaabli ühendusklemm, mis juhib seadmesse mõistlikult kõrgepingevoolu, ja seda saab kasutada ka ühendamiseks, installida, paar, isoleerida ja muude elektriseadmete ja seadmete pistikud.

CrimpRectangular Type Wire to Board Connector

The utility model relates to a Crimp Type wire to board connector, which comprises a board end connector and a wire end connector. Both sides of the bottom of the board connector are provided with a number of evenly arranged contact terminals. The right end surface of the board end connector is provided with an insertion port, and the top surface of the board end connector is provided with two card holes.

Elektripistik – juhtmeklemmid, juhtmete tööriistad

Lisaks elektriühenduse toimivuse üldnõuete täitmisele, elektripistik peab saavutama hea kontakti, usaldusväärne töö, ja lihtne hooldus. See, kas selle töö on usaldusväärne või mitte, mõjutab otseselt vooluringi normaalset tööd ja hõlmab kogu elektriseadme ohutust.

High-Speed, Fine Pitch Board-to-Board FPC Connector

The Fine Pitch board to board connector is the High-Speed connector product with the strongest transmission capacity among all connector product types. Mainly used in power systems, communication networks, financial manufacturing, elevators, tööstusautomaatika, medical equipment, office equipment, kodutehnika, military manufacturing and other industries.

Industrial Mini Low Profile I /O Connectors, Cables

YAXUN Electronics provides customers with innovative input/output (I/O) connectors designed for optimum performance, density, signal integrity and repeatability. Our broad offering includes consumer, industrial and high-speed options such as Active Cable (AEC) and QSFP-DD assemblies designed to help speed communications and increase productivity.

Medical DEFIB Electrode Accessories Harness

This customized wiring harness is an internal connection line for medical rescue equipment. Connectors and wires are custom-developed non-standard products, which can replace similar foreign products and greatly reduce customer procurement costs. All materials comply with ROSH requirements and are processed in strict accordance with IPC620 standards. The product performance is excellent and durable;

Overmolded Aviation Plug Cable Assemblies for Aerospace & Electrical

Overmolded aviation plug cable is the general name of electrical connector Kit, also known as aviation connector Kit, electrical circular connector cable. Overmolded Cable Assemblies are the most rugged class of interconnect wire-harnessing available. Overmolding is the preferred solution for environmental protection of military, aerospace, and harsh-environment industrial interconnect cable assemblies.