According to the function can be divided into: Headphone plugs, DC pistikud, helipistikud, USB-pistikud, video plugs, microphone plugs, charger plugs, mobile phone plugs, jne.

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24-3 pin Aviation Plug Socket Round Connector

Ringikujuline lennunduspistik on omamoodi ühendusdetail, millega meie elektroonikatehnikud sageli kokku puutuvad. Selle funktsioon on väga lihtne: luua sidesild ahelas/signaalis blokeeritud või isoleeritud ahelate vahel. Nii et voolu/signaali voog paneb vooluringi realiseerima etteantud funktsiooni.

Vahelduvvoolupistikud, juhtmestikud

Electronic and electrical plugs: divided into plugs, sockets and connectors. Plugs and sockets are generally divided into two-pole plugs and two-pole grounded plugs.
Current passes through, so I would like to tell everyone that as long as any electrical appliance is not in use, it must be unplugged to save electricity.

AC power UK Plug and sockets Adapter

The British AC power plug is also called BS (british standard) plug Adapter, which refers to the power plug with British standard as the reference standard. British plugs can be divided into assembly type and injection type. The assembled British plug is detachable and can be customized freely, while the injection-molded plug is generally integrally formed and cannot be disassembled. Common British standards in the market include BS1363, BS546, BS5733, jne.,

China Custom Waterproof Cable Security Outdoor Extension Cords

Suitable for outdoor waterproof stage light, for power connection between light and light, extending the power cable distance between light and light 5/10/20/50/100 meetrit (16.4 feet) in length, Male and female waterproof design plugs at both ends, used directly after purchase, If you want to be longer, you can buy more cable use in series.

Custom Different countries Power Socket Adapters

Socket is also known as power socket and switched socket (British standard, national standard, American standard, European standard, South African standard, Italian standardvarious socket specifications). Receptacle refers to the socket end that has one or more circuit plug connections that can be inserted . The power socket is convenient for connecting with other electrical circuits.

Custom Power Plug Cord Cable Manufacturers

Power plug Cord Cable refers to the device that devices such as electrical appliances are connected to power supply. Pistikupesad ja pistikud on erineva kujuga, class, size and type depending on the country and region. Every country has standards set by the government. The power plug is also called the power cord plug, and the English is power plug. Used in various fields, in various countries.

Customized Mini USB Interface and Cable

What is a USB interface? The function and fabrication of precision USB interfaces.
Universal Serial Bus (English: Universal Serial Bus, abbreviation: USB) is a serial bus standard and a technical specification for input and output interfaces. It is widely used in information and communication products such as personal computers and mobile devices, and has been extended to other related fields such as photographic equipment, digital TV (set-top boxes), and game consoles.

DIY veekindlad turvapikendusjuhtmed

Kohandatud toitejuhtmed erinevate ohutussertifikaatidega, toitekaablite tarnijad erinevates maailma riikides.
Toitejuhtmed on juhtmed, mis kannavad elektrit. Tavaliselt on voolu edastamise viis punktist punkti. Toitejuhtmed saab vastavalt kasutusviisile jagada vahelduvvoolu ja alalisvoolu toitejuhtmeteks. Üldiselt, vahelduvvoolu toitejuhe on traat, mille kaudu juhitakse kõrgepinge vahelduvvool. Kõrgepinge tõttu, seda tüüpi traati saab ametlikult toota alles pärast ühtsete standardite kohase ohutussertifikaadi saamist.

Isane/emane veekindel lennunduspistik

Lennukipistik on omamoodi pistik, mis sai alguse sõjatööstusest, nii seda nimetatakse, nimetatakse lennunduspistikuks. Lennukipistikud on elektromehaanilised komponendid, mis ühendavad elektriliine. Seetõttu, selle elektrilised parameetrid on lennunduspistiku valimisel esimene tähelepanu. Lennukipistikute õige valik ja kasutamine on vooluahela töökindluse tagamiseks oluline aspekt.

Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 16/3 SJTW 50 Ft Christmas Light Cord

China Custom Outdoor Extension Cord Multiple Outlet, 50 Ft Christmas Light Extension Cord Evenly Spaced 6 ~20 Outlets Plugs with Safety Cover, 16/3 SJTW Green Extension Cord Outdoor Waterproof. 25 FT Extension Cord Waterproof, 6 Grounded Outlets for Christmas Yard Decorations, 14 AWG, 15A/1875W, ETL Listed

Internationally, household appliances are divided into three categories: Class 1: Electrical appliances are electrical appliances with only one layer of insulation. Such electrical appliances must be equipped with leakage protectors and grounding protection (that is, three-pin plugs are required). Such as air conditioners, machine tools, motors, jne. Type 2: Electrical appliances have double-layer insulation measures, and leakage protectors are required, and grounding protection is not required (that is, two-pin plugs can be used). Such as TV, electric fan, table lamp, induction cooker, electric ceramic stove, jne. Class 3: Electrical appliances are electrical appliances that use a safe voltage. Üldiselt 12 - 36V electrical appliances, such as mobile phones, laptops, jne.