3-Pos RC servomotorforbindelse ledningsnet
Anvendelsesklassifikationstyper af servomotorledningsnet
Det nuværende industrielt udstyrsmarked har en meget stor efterspørgsel efter servomotorledningsnet, fordi servomotorens ledningsnet bruges til at forbinde forskellige komponenter i servosystemet og give strømstyring. Det følgende er en tilslutningslinjeingeniørs forklaring af applikationsklassifikationstyperne for servomotorledningsnet.
Automatisk medicindispenseringsmaskine ledningsnet
Tilpas medicindispenserens ledningsnet i henhold til dine tegninger eller prøvekrav.
Tråd: UL10272 AWG 26;
Stik: terminal (YEONHO);
automatisering af robotstøttet ledningsnetsæt
Procesflowet til fremstilling af robotledningsnet inkluderer typisk følgende trin:
Design og planlægning: Design layoutet, tilslutningsmetoder og elektriske karakteristika for ledningsnettet i henhold til robottens behov og funktionskrav. Overvej faktorer såsom ledningstværsnitsareal, længde, farvekodning og antal ledere.
Materiale forberedelse: Vælg ledninger af høj kvalitet, stik, beskyttelseshylstre og andet tilbehør egnet til robotapplikationer. Sørg for, at materialerne overholder relevante industristandarder og specifikationer.
Brugerdefinerede medicinske stik og kabler med højt pinantal
Tilpasset medicinsk navigator HD-sele i henhold til dine tegninger eller prøvekrav.
Tråd: medicinsk silikonetråd FEP , Konnektorer Kabler;
Stik: 10PIN-kode han (CITRON);
Custom medical use Cochlear Wiring Harness assembly
Customized cochlear wiring harness according to your drawing or sample requirements.
Tråd: D213-20 outer quilt medical grade PVC;
Stik: 2PIN connector, concentric male connector;
Application: medical equipment (cochlea);
Electric Wheelchair Lift Wiring Harness ready made-up
This customized Electric Wheelchair Lift wire harness is used in the elevator light curtain system. The connectors are American MOLEX and the wires are national standard flexible cables. All materials comply with ROSH requirements and are processed in strict accordance with IPC620 standards. The product has excellent performance. Durable;
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness for Battery Packs
EV / HV high voltage wiring harness Conductors can be divided into single-core conductors and multi-core conductors according to process characteristics. The difference is that multi-core wires are made up of multiple single-core wires. In essence, the electrical performance parameters and structural size parameters of each single-core wire are no different from those of single-core conductors. If the multi-core cable is used for signal transmission, separate shielding measures need to be taken to ensure that the signal is not lost.
Medical Anesthesia Machine Electrical Wiring Harness Assembly
This customized Electrical wiring harness is an internal connection line for medical rescue equipment. Connectors and wires are custom-developed non-standard products, which can replace similar foreign products and greatly reduce customer procurement costs. All materials comply with ROSH requirements and are processed in strict accordance with IPC620 standards. The product performance is excellent and durable;
Medical DEFIB Electrode Accessories Harness
This customized wiring harness is an internal connection line for medical rescue equipment. Connectors and wires are custom-developed non-standard products, which can replace similar foreign products and greatly reduce customer procurement costs. All materials comply with ROSH requirements and are processed in strict accordance with IPC620 standards. The product performance is excellent and durable;